Great things are worth the wait!

Hi, I'm Kevin

Nice to meet you! I am a technology enthusiast with a passion for web development, design, engineering, and education.

My Favorite Tools

  • Photoshop

    I love editing photos, creating designs, and making things look great

  • Illustrator

    Creating beautiful diagrams and illustrations is a creative hobby

  • React

    Building interactive web applications is fun

  • NextJS

    My favorite React framework!

  • WordPress

    Grew up with WP, I've been using it since 2004

  • MariaDB

    The relational database I have the most experience with

  • Github

    How else could we manage everything?!

  • Joomla!

    Developing full-stack applications with the Joomla CMS

Core Skills

Web Design


I've been building websites since I was in 4th grade, over 20 years ago. With an advanced knowledge of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, I enjoy building beautiful, accessible, responsive web experiences.

Technical Communication


I enjoy teaching people about cool stuff! I've written hundreds of articles and published dozens of YouTube series on various technical topics. I can fully document and explain complex technical concepts in a way that is easy to understand. I also design my own graphics and diagrams!

Software Development


I have a firm understanding of computer science theory and fundamentals, including MVC design paradigms, data structures, efficient algorithm development, and advanced math. I can design and build software that is secure, efficient, and maintainable, with a large focus on user experience. My strongest languages include Java, JavaScript, PHP, and Python.

Relational Database Systems


Able to design, connect, and maintain databases with MySQL and Oracle SQL

Multimedia Production


I have always been interested in multimedia production, including video editing, audio editing, graphic design, and basic 3D modeling. I can create professional graphics, diagrams, and videos for a variety of platforms.



I'm a computer nerd! I love learning and experimenting with new technologies.

In my spare time, I write guides and produce video tutorials on my website,

My favorite things are dogs, computers, and video games. I also love working with kids and spending time in the mountains.

Web Development, A.A.S.

Web Development, A.A.S.

Harrisburg Area Community College

Graduated 2023

Institutional GPA: 4.0

Computer Science, B.S.

Computer Science, B.S.

Oregon State University

Anticipated 2025

Institutional GPA: 3.7


Soft Skills

Featured Projects

I love working with clients across different industries because it keeps things interesting. Here are some of my most recent projects.

(Click projects to learn more)

Kevin's GuidesKevin's Guides
Kevin's Guides
GUP LandGUP Land
GUP Land
Caroline R. JewelryCaroline R. Jewelry
Caroline R. Jewelry

Thanks For Visiting!

I hope you'll reach out with opportunities and business inquiries.

© 2024 Kevin Olson